About Us

About Us

The name Mayurbhanj indicates that the erstwhile state was named after two medieval ruling families, Mayurs & Bhanjas. The Mayurs, as known from records, were ruling over Bonai Mandala contemporaneous with the Bhanjas of Khijjinga Mandala. Social and cultural relation between these two ruling families were very close.So the kingdom was named Mayurbhanj in commemoration of the traditional relation of the two ruling families.Much after Indian independence the princely state,on 1st January 1949 was merged with Odisha as the last.


The district of Mayurbhanj is constituted by 4 towns and 3,950 villages spread over 26 C.D blocks. It has 22 lakh population. Mayurbhanj is the largest district in terms of size in Odisha. The district lies between 210 17’ and 22034’ north latitude and 850 40’ and 870 10’ east Longitude, hot in summer and cold in winter.It is well connected by road to Kolkata and joins the NH 5 within a distance of about 60 kms. People are simple ,soft spoken and generally helping in nature. “Chou” dance is a great contribution to the cultural aspect of India. Shimilipal reserve forest is its pride.


Pandit Raghunath Murmu is the inventor of Ol Chiki script. He was born in a village, called (Dahardih) Dandbose, on 5th May 1905 on the day of full moon in the district of Mayurbhanj, Odisha. After a brief stint in technical profession, he took up the job of teaching in Badomtolia high school. During this time, his interest was drawn into Shantali literature. Shantali is a language with its own special characteristics, and has a literature which dates back to the beginning of the 15th century. He was the inventor of Ol Chiki script for writing Shantali. The epoch making invention of Ol Chiki script was unveiled in 1925. Odisha Sahitya Academy have honored him in various ways and Hon D. Litt. was conferred on him by Ranchi University. The great thinker, philosopher, writer, and dramatist breathed his last breath on 1st February,As a mark to the worthy shantali son of the district, the medical college bears his name and immortalizes the soul.